First of all I would like to express my highest gratitude to God for with His blessings I finally managed to complete my entire Computer in Education’s assignments. Besides, I would like to take this opportunity to bid a token of appreciation to our course coordinator, Dr. Siti Fatimah Mohd. Yassin and my very humble, generous and benevolent lecturer, Mr. Fariduddin Wajdi Anthony for their undivided attention, support, guidance and commitment towards me and all my classmates for willing to lend their helping hands to all of us in order to make sure that each and every one of us learns something at the end of this course. Not forgetting to my partner Nigel Lawai Willie for giving his full cooperation in getiing our assignments done. I believe that without their assistance, I would not be able to finish up all the assignments that have been assigned to us since most of the time I always have problem in comprehending the tasks that were given to us and it takes time for me to get a clear grasp of it then only I can start doing it. Frankly speaking, this is one of the most difficult courses that I have ever endured but I have gained a lot of experiences and knowledge throughout this course and I am so grateful for having the chance to learn about ICT in this semester as we all know that ICT now plays important roles in all areas including education and as a future teacher we need to be equipped with this knowledge to be imparted to our students later on. Not only that, it will also give benefits to the teaching and learning process in the classroom and thus improve the students’ performance in academic. I am so grateful that we had the opportunity to take this subject for this short semester since I will have the chance to build up my knowledge on ICT.
Based on my seven excruciating weeks of attending ICT lectures, I realized that ICT really needs someone to be very patient, hardworking and so on especially in finishing up the assignments given. Even I myself could not believe that I managed to get all the tasks done within the frame time given by our lecturer. Just imagine 1 week 1 assignment that has been assigned to us and I myself have never gone through this kind of experience before. Besides providing me with ICT knowledge, this course also has taught me to be more independent and know how to spend my time wisely.
For week 7b, we were asked to plan, create and edit a simple database for student management information using OpenOffice Base in a creative, innovative and ethical ways. We need to Create table in Design view (4 separate tables) as stated below:
· Student table
· Parent table
· Curriculum table
· Co-curriculum table
After that, we need to create relationships between tables by linking the different tables with each other. Finally, we need to create several queries from the database and create reports based on the queries. Actually, this task seemed to be so simple but it involved a lot of steps in order to create a database and I myself sometimes get confused with it but luckily Mr.Fariduddin has willingly helped me to solve the problem. He has explained to me every single step and demonstrated it to me so that I will understand what I need to do.
I strongly believe that database is one of the most essential components for any organisation be it a school, company, and so on. It is amazing how technology has made everything seems so convenient and ease the burden for us in getting our task done. However, in order to be able to utilize the technology to the fullest, we need to have sound knowledge about ICT then only we can apply it our daily lives and as I aforementioned before it will make our life easier. Although, technology has brought a lot of benefits to human beings but it also has brought many negative impacts to our live for example we will be fully independent to technology until we lost our soft skills and for those students they might need to think wisely on how to manage their times for studying and extra times for online and so on.
In short, once again I would like to thank all the people who have willingly lend their hands in getting my assignments done directly or indirectly. Without your guidance I would not be able to get through in this course. I think this would be my last word for my reflection, I hope we all will be able to remember all the essential skills that we have learned throughout this course by no other way but keep on applying them in our daily life and when we go to schools later we should share our knowledge with our students so that they will be equipped with all the fundamental skills of ICT in order for them to excel in their studies.
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